Music at Sunset

Worship is a response of obedience that extends far beyond the music sung at Sunday service; it’s a calling to present our whole lives as spiritual sacrifices to God. We are called to worship God, valuing and cherishing Him above all. Music is one expression of how we do this. 

At Sunset Bible Church, our core values include unity in Christ and love for people of all ages and cultures. Music helps bring together all kinds of people in worship. Blessed with a wealth of skilled musicians and song writers, our church takes advantage of a broad spectrum of musical styles and instruments, and regularly includes songs that run from ancient to modern.

If you’re a part of Sunset Bible Church and have an interest in music, we can help you find a place to serve. Whether on Sunday mornings, seasonal choirs, or behind the sound and projection booth, find the area where God wants to use your gifts and abilities! If you’re interested in serving in this ministry, please contact Pastor Stephen.

What do we sing on Sundays?

Worshiping God through music is an opportunity to demonstrate unity in Christ through diverse musical backgrounds. We know that some prefer louder music, others prefer softer music; some prefer newer songs, others prefer older songs; some prefer reflective music, others prefer upbeat music. There is not only one “right” musical style for worshiping God. Recognizing those realities, at Sunset, we seek to worship God through a variety of songs, guided by these core principles:

  • Our songs should be biblical. The lyrics of the songs we sing matter, because songs teach. Our worship of God should be accurate to how God has revealed Himself through His Word.
  • Our songs should be congregational. Our musical worship on Sunday is not a performance by the band on stage, it is an opportunity for God’s people to sing together. The music of our songs should invite participation in singing praises to God.
  • Our songs should be both to and about God. Worship is not just factual, nor is it just emotional. We declare truths about who God is as we sing praise to Him. We sing songs of commitment to God as we rejoice in what Christ has done for us. These dynamics work together in faithful, passionate worship.
  • Our songs should point us toward Christ. Our songs should be Christ-centered, as we remember the life, death, and resurrection of Christ, our only hope of salvation. Though not every song tells the full story of the Gospel, every song we sing points toward who God is and what He has done for us through His Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ.
  • Our songs should be informed by both the past and the present. In our day, we have been gifted with hymns that have been sung for centuries and new songs written in recent years. By singing the historic hymns of the faith, we remember that we’re not the first ones to faithfully worship Christ. By singing new songs, we remember that God is still at work today.

Here is a playlist of songs we often sing on Sundays, on Spotify and YouTube. The playlist is in no particular order, and will be regularly updated.

Regular Music Opportunities

  • Sunday Morning Worship Team
  • Christmas Program
  • Special Services: Good Friday, Christmas Eve, and more!
  • A/V and Tech Team: Sound, Projection, Recording

Members of our music team participate in music events in the University Place community, including the annual Duck Parade and Curran Apple Orchard Cider Squeeze!